Webinar: Advanced forecasting with data science

Forecasting with Data Science can help your organization take the next step in data maturity. In this webinar, we'll show you how to get even more out of your forecasts with AI.

Forecasting with Data Science can help your organization take the next step in data maturity. What would it mean to you as a financial person if your forecasts became much more accurate? Would your management team be helped by more insight into the impact of developments in these turbulent times? By using Artificial Intelligence (AI), you can create forecasts that can track an unprecedented number of parameters. Moreover, these forecasts can be redefined at any time, and you don’t need to purchase new tools for this.

In this webinar on Advanced Forecasting, we show you concrete examples on how AI can offer you new insights as a financial. We’re not only looking at the technology, but also the direct applicability.

What do you learn during the webinar?

  • How Artificial Intelligence can make your forecast better
  • How you as a financial person can benefit from using AI in your forecasts
  • How to get started with free tooling

To whom is this interesting?

  • Managers Reporting en (Group) Controllers
  • Business & Financial Controllers
  • IT-managers en Finance Managers


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