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10+ Data and Automation Solutions that will transform your business

Use this webpage for information about more than 10 solutions that we think will help your solid ideas take flight. A Data & Automation solution Line Up so to say.

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Harnessing Data Power with DBT; Elevating Business Practices

In today’s data-centric business environment, mastering the art of transforming data into actionable insights can dramatically differentiate leaders from followers. Have you ever been in a situation where you doubted the reliability of your data, leading to decision paralysis? Then read this blog!

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Webinar: External Tools to Optimize your Power BI Environment

Whether you’re a seasoned Power BI user or a BI manager looking to elevate your team’s capabilities, this session will provide you with the insights and tools necessary to achieve a clean and effective Power BI environment.

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Webinar: Kick-start your Data Science project

You have formulated a solid business case for your Data Science project. Congratulations! But what’s next? In this webinar, we will give you an overview of the steps to take in your Data Science project. We will also show you which technologies you can best use for your project.

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Webinar: How to provide your organization with the right data?

Choosing the right Data Warehousing solution for your organization is a daunting task. What to look out for? What are the pros and cons of different solutions? Don’t worry! During this webinar, we’ll give you an easy-to-understand overview of the different solutions on the market.

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API blog

Connecting API’s how hard can it be

Spoiler alert: it can be hard…

Building a data-driven solution starts with extracting data from your systems. For many cloud applications, this requires leveraging APIs. In this blog, we will explain the fundamentals of APIs, connecting API’s and their challenges and share easy-to-use tools to help you get started and kickstart your data-driven journey.

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DS kick start

How to Kick start your Data Science Project

Where data science has been an exciting topic for the more tech-savvy people for years, it has reached the general public significantly. This new wave of AI popularity has sparked business interest in learning more about data science, AI, and its capabilities. With this blog, we hope to give you some info that can help you kickstart your first data science project, making buzzwords a reality for your organization. 

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Webinar: Do or Do not? Switching from Excel to PowerApps

Everyone knows the power of Excel. However, sometimes you stumble upon limitations of the powerful spreadsheet tool. Learn in what situations you should switch to PowerApps during this webinar.

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Webinar: Planning in Power BI

Are you ready to start planning more efficiently? During this webinar, we discuss Acterys, a xP&A solution that utilizes the power of AI with the visualization possibilities of Power BI.

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