Cases & Solutions

Welcome to our cases and solutions section. In this section, we share some of the best work with our customers. Next to these cases, we introduce our solutions. We offer these solutions as templates so that you jump start your project and use the first version of your app in a matter of days. You find the cases and solutions you are looking for by using the filter below.

Invoice payment predictions at Van Oord

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are increasingly turning to advanced technologies to enhance their operations. Van Oord, a leading company in marine engineering and dredging, sought to leverage these innovations to improve their accounting processes. The goal was not only to gain a deeper understanding of these new technologies but also to address a real business challenge.

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Empowering Nutricia through Power BI coaching

As part of Danone, Nutricia believes that employees should be empowered to be able to work with data independently. However, several teams within the Nutricia factory in Zoetermeer had questions about Power BI dashboarding. Unfortunately, the digital team also lacked the necessary knowledge to answer these questions. We set up a training & coaching program together with Nutricia that helps end-users to get more out of their Power BI reporting. Read below what we did to empower Nutricia’s teams.

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Turning Raw Data into Delicious Insights

As a well-known maker of various appetizers, Signature Foods made analyses based on various decentralized data sources inside Excel. It was then important to harmonize and visualize the data from these sources. Rockfeather helped Signature Foods implement Power BI in combination with Zebra BI to visualize information effectively, introduced the IBCS®, and workflows were automated with Power Automate.

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Data Science training as the next step in data maturity - Greenchoice

Greenchoice has already taken considerable steps with an ambitious data strategy, future-proof data architecture and a rapidly growing number of end users in the data visualisation environment. However, in order to take the next step in data maturity, Greenchoice has developed an in-company Data Science training in collaboration with Rockfeather. The training’s main objectives were: identify, develop, and implement Data Science use cases. Alex Janssen, Manager Development Consumer and Data & Analytics explains what this training has brought.

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How do you select a BI tool without personal opinions? - healthcare institution Cordaan

Within the current information system of healthcare institution Cordaan, it is not yet possible to make optimal use of all their data. To be able to make predictions as an organization and make strategic choices based on data, the entire information system will be overhauled! As part of this project, there is also a need for a new BI-tool. But how do you choose the BI tool that best fits your organization? Vera van Lin, program manager Business Intelligence, explains in this case how Cordaan approaches this selection process.

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The Future of Data: Sebastiaan Meijs, Operations Director MIREC

Rockfeather wants to put ambitious people who are using innovative technology to achieve their business goals in the spotlight. The first person we had the opportunity to interview for this series is Sebastiaan Meijs. Sebastiaan is Operations Director at MIREC, a leading electronics recycler. Are you curious about Sebastiaan’s career and personal motivations? And what role data science plays in his daily work? Then read on quickly!

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data-driven insights Ado Den Haag

Fewer season ticket cancellations through machine learning at ADO Den Haag

Season tickets are one of the most important revenue streams for top-level football clubs. It is therefore in a club’s interest to keep the number of cancellations as low as possible. However, for many clubs it is difficult to estimate who exactly is leaving. In this case study, we show how we used a predictive model to gain insight into potential cancellations at Eredivisie club ADO Den Haag.

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data-driven insights ADO Den Haag

Data-driven insights with dashboards at ADO Den Haag

As a football club, ADO Den Haag is known for its green and yellow colours and the characteristic stork. However, what many people do not know is that behind the scenes ADO Den Haag is undergoing a true data transformation. The club wants to gain more insight into its performance through data, so that it can better anticipate and steer. The first step is the automation of manual overviews and the creation of dashboards in Power BI.

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Data-driven planning ProRail - Rockfeather

Data-driven planning at ProRail

By 2030, ProRail aims to have 30% more capacity for running trains. That demands a lot from the organization and the management. Data-driven insights are therefore indispensable. Dashboards in Microsoft Power BI provide real-time information about the performance, trends and consequences for the planning of track works. This improves process-oriented and data-driven decision-making so that ProRail can fulfil its strong growth ambition.

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