Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms 2021

This year’s Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms scored six Data Science and Machine Learning (DSML) Platforms as leaders. The amount of leaders has remained the same, compared to last year’s number of leaders. But has the composition of the leading area changed?

Six leading DSML Platforms in Gartners’ 2021 MQ

This year’s Magic Quadrant scored six Data Science and Machine Learning (DSML) Platforms as leaders. The amount of leaders has remained the same, compared to last year’s number of leaders. But has the composition of the leading area changed?

What is the Magic Quadrant (MQ) for Data Science and Machine Learning?

Are you looking for a Data Science and Machine Learning solution? Then Gartner’s Magic Quadrant is a valuable resource. A lot of people only look at the famous 2-by-2-matrix, but there is much more than just this matrix. That’s why we dug into the dirty details of the full report and put all this into a 20-minute webinar. In this webinar, you will learn about the vendors that are scored as a leader in Gartner’s 2021 MQ.

Is the Magic Quadrant for you?

A magic quadrant for data science is interesting but who are the main users of these toolsets? Data Scientist is a relatively new profession. We typically see two sorts of data scientists. The first one is the data analyst/business controller who does not have a lot of code or programming skills but still wants to create an accurate prediction to help decision making. This group is also known as the Citizen Data Scientists. The other group is the one including all the expert/hardcore data scientists, who love to use code to get the best possible prediction for their use case. For both groups the magic quadrant is a valuable resource; the quadrant includes toolsets for both types of data scientists.

What will you learn?

We start the webinar with an explanation of the Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning (DSML) Platforms. After that, we will show the MQ with all the scored vendors. Once we showed all the vendors, we will take a deep dive into the details of the leading vendors. The strengths and cautions of the leading vendors will be discussed, besides the vendor’s development over the last three years.

New vendors in the Magic Quadrant

This year’s MQ has 20 vendors in it, four more than last year. The new vendors scored in the MQ are:

  1. Alibaba Cloud
  2. Amazon Web Services
  3. Cloudera
  4. Samsung SDS

Did one of them already reach the leader’s quadrant?

Watch the webinar

Are you looking for a DSML solution, whether you are a citizen or a hardcore data scientist? This webinar gives you insight into which of the leading vendors will be the best fit for you. Watch the webinar below to learn more about the key findings of the magic quadrant.

Watch the webinar here!

Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms

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