
Events are ideal for exchanging knowledge and building relationships. That’s why we organize, and speak at, several events throughout the year. Below you can find upcoming Rockfeather events.

Do you have an interesting topic for an event but can’t find it below? Feel free to contact us.

Time Series Analysis & Advanced forecasting

This course focuses on timeseries. A specific regression problem which includes a time component and tries to predict future e.g. the revenue for the coming six weeks. The course will build upon basic knowledge of python and machine learning. Data Science Fundamentals is needed as a prerequesite. 

Data Science Fundamentals

The basic concepts of data science and machine learning will be introduced during this training. We start with theory but will quickly put that theory into practice. First, with drag-n-drop no-code tools, and later in the course, we will train machine learning models with the programming language Python.Â