Cases & Solutions

Welcome to our cases and solutions section. In this section, we share some of the best work with our customers. Next to these cases, we introduce our solutions. We offer these solutions as templates so that you jump start your project and use the first version of your app in a matter of days. You find the cases and solutions you are looking for by using the filter below.

Turning Raw Data into Delicious Insights

As a well-known maker of various appetizers, Signature Foods made analyses based on various decentralized data sources inside Excel. It was then important to harmonize and visualize the data from these sources. Rockfeather helped Signature Foods implement Power BI in combination with Zebra BI to visualize information effectively, introduced the IBCS®, and workflows were automated with Power Automate.

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How do you select a BI tool without personal opinions? - healthcare institution Cordaan

Within the current information system of healthcare institution Cordaan, it is not yet possible to make optimal use of all their data. To be able to make predictions as an organization and make strategic choices based on data, the entire information system will be overhauled! As part of this project, there is also a need for a new BI-tool. But how do you choose the BI tool that best fits your organization? Vera van Lin, program manager Business Intelligence, explains in this case how Cordaan approaches this selection process.

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Data-driven planning ProRail - Rockfeather

Data-driven planning at ProRail

By 2030, ProRail aims to have 30% more capacity for running trains. That demands a lot from the organization and the management. Data-driven insights are therefore indispensable. Dashboards in Microsoft Power BI provide real-time information about the performance, trends and consequences for the planning of track works. This improves process-oriented and data-driven decision-making so that ProRail can fulfil its strong growth ambition.

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Hans Anders eigenaar Hans Platschorre - Rockfeather

Data-driven management information: The vision of Hans Platschorre

The Hans Anders Retail Group wants to expand considerably abroad. The retailer is also ambitious in its information needs. What is the impact of data-driven reports? And what does the digital transformation mean for the future of finance? Martijn Meuling talks to CFO Hans Platschorre.

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Data-Driven ISS - Rockfeather

Data-Driven Account Management at ISS

ISS-Facility Services want to become the best service provider in the world. To become the best, they want to work with a number of its key-accounts based on a new business model, in which cooperation between partners is central.

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Brill Publishers - Datadriven insights

Dashboards with impact at Brill

Brill Publishers wants to improve its reporting landscape. She opts for a visual impact on the management information. The new reporting tool provides insight into trends via dashboards. This saves time, quickly brings various information together, and appeals to the imagination. 

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