Looking back at the Future of Data & Analytics 2023

On November 14th, 2023, the Future of Data & Analytics took place in Sparta-Stadium 'Het Kasteel' in Rotterdam. Leading organizations told us their stories on business digitalization. This page will give you access to the slides of the different sessions.

During this edition, we focused on three main areas:

  • Learning how your organization can make the most of the latest trends in digital transformation and adoption of data and analytics.
  • Discovering how you, as a financial and data & analytics professional, can make data-driven decisions through fact-based, data-driven decision-making.
  • Be inspired by several speakers who will reveal their best practices for implementing a successful data & analytics strategy.


Keynote Speaker: Artificial Intelligence in 60 Minutes by Job van den Berg

Developments around digitalization, data, and AI are moving at lightning speed. Anyone who wants to build future-proof companies will have to innovate. In his inspiring keynote, technology connoisseur and data expert Job van den Berg showed us how to make data and AI work for us. As co-author of the book “Artificial Intelligence in 60 Minutes” and based on his years of experience as a data expert for large organizations such as DPG Media, Bluefield and Kantar, he helped us pick the low-hanging fruit.

Session: Insights in the Activity Based Costing program at Kramp

Kramp, Europe’s largest specialist in agricultural parts and accessories, talked about the Activity Based Costing program at Kramp during his session. Charles Forsskahl – Strategic Program Manager at Kramp, has explained the journey of shifting the focus from sales to profitability at the product and customer level. And how the insights were used to improve the supply chain and assortment.

Session: Insights in Trading & Forecasting using AI/ML at Greenchoice

Greenchoice is an energy company that focuses on green energy. They offer sustainable energy solutions and strive for a climate-neutral future. Maurice Koenen, Sourcing and Portfolio Director at Greenchoice took us through his story on how data brings the green energy transition closer for both consumers and the business market. He shared the positive impact and potential of using an Energy Data Platform (EDP) on daily operations. Additionally, Ties (Rockfeather) discussed the latest AI/ML techniques applied to improve and further automate Trading & Forecasting processes within Greenchoice.

Keynote speaker: data strategy at Schiphol Group

Maarten van den Outenaar, Head of Data & Analytics at Schiphol Group, took us through how Schiphol Group is setting up its data strategy 2024 – 2026. He also talked about what has been achieved in recent years and gave some practical examples of how Schiphol Group uses Data & Analytics in practice and how they deal with resistance to adoption.

Interested in the slides of these sessions?

By filling in the form below, you will get instant access to the slides of keynote-speaker Job van den Berg, Kramp and Greenchoice!

The slides are yours!

  • Keynote Job van den Berg: Artificial Intelligence in 60 Minutes

  • Insights in the Activity Based Costing program at Kramp

  • Insights in Trading & Forecasting using AI/ML at Greenchoice
