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Why data science isn't magic - an introduction to data science

You’ve probably already heard of data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning. But how do you avoid jumping on the data science bandwagon, like many other companies do? And where do you start? In this introduction to data science, we will explain data science in easy-to-understand theories. Start learning today!

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Predicting housing prices and sales using data science

In this blog, we are going to use data science as a method to predict housing prices and sales. If you make proper use of predictions, it can set the standard for profits and growth. We will explain regression models by presenting two examples: housing prices and expected sales.

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Using data science to decrease customer churn

Preventing customer churn is one of the top priorities of companies. You might wonder how data science and machine learning are related to this. In this blog we will tell you all about how to decrease customer churn using data science. Take the next step with data science, using our explanations of classification models and a useful churn case!

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Speed Up Exploratory Data Analytics - Leveraging R in Power BI

Did you know that you can use the R programming language inside Power BI? By doing so, you can significantly enhance the exploratory capabilities for your data-loving audience. In this blog, we will explain how you can implement R into Power BI yourself!.

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An interview with author and managing partner of the IBCS Assocation Jürgen Faisst

Recently we had the privilege to attend a workshop by Jürgen Faisst,  managing partner of the IBCS Association and co-author of the book SOLID | OUTLINED | HATCHED. After the inspiring workshop, we had the chance to ask him a couple of questions regarding the International Business Communication Standards and his outlook on its future.

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4 Fundamentals of Sales Analytics Success with Tableau

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Predict Churn with Artificial Intelligence

Do you want to know how predictive models can help your company make better decisions? Then watch for our webinar “Predict churn with Artificial Intelligence”. Lots of companies are focusing on getting new customers instead of keeping their existing customer base. Due to these strategies, a lot of customers are hopping from company to company.

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Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms

Are you looking for a Data Science and Machine Learning solution? Then Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for data science and machine learning platforms is a valuable resource. A lot of people only look at the famous 2-by-2-matrix, but there is much more than just this matrix. That’s why we dug into the dirty details of the full report and put all this into a 20-minute webinar. In this webinar, we will show you all the vendors that are scored as a leader in Gartner’s 2020 Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms.

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Preventing churn for more loyal customers - that's the dream

There is one thing that’s just as important as finding new clients: keeping your current clients. This blog will give you some practical tips to increase your loyal customer group! 

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