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What is the optimal set of processes to allocate our resources? What process and steps do we have? These questions seem like questions that every company should answer easily. Unfortunately, a lot of companies are not able to do so. Their processes are just too complex because of changing price constraints, or other variables. There is a solution: Process optimization.
You’ve probably already heard of data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning. But how do you avoid jumping on the data science bandwagon, like many other companies do? And where do you start? In this introduction to data science, we will explain data science in easy-to-understand theories. Start learning today!
In this blog, we are going to use data science as a method to predict housing prices and sales. If you make proper use of predictions, it can set the standard for profits and growth. We will explain regression models by presenting two examples: housing prices and expected sales.
Preventing customer churn is one of the top priorities of companies. You might wonder how data science and machine learning are related to this. In this blog we will tell you all about how to decrease customer churn using data science. Take the next step with data science, using our explanations of classification models and a useful churn case!
Did you know that you can use the R programming language inside Power BI? By doing so, you can significantly enhance the exploratory capabilities for your data-loving audience. In this blog, we will explain how you can implement R into Power BI yourself!.
Recently we had the privilege to attend a workshop by Jürgen Faisst, managing partner of the IBCS Association and co-author of the book SOLID | OUTLINED | HATCHED. After the inspiring workshop, we had the chance to ask him a couple of questions regarding the International Business Communication Standards and his outlook on its future.
In my eight years as a consultant, I’ve probably seen more dashboards than I can count. Still, most of them don’t have the impact they should have. Nine out of ten times, people start looking at the data. Is there something wrong with the underlying data-sets? Or is the visual not clear enough? Looking at those elements isn’t bad, but in my opinion, you’re looking in the wrong direction.
Keeping your skills up to date is crucial when you work with the newest technology. At Rockfeather, we challenge each other to be the best version of yourself. That’s why I attended the mastering DAX course. DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) is a formula expression language. Next to Power BI, DAX is applied in Excel Power Pivot and tabular models in SQL Server. Learn it once, use it tomorrow.